VDL Campers Pantry Freeze Dried Icecream 50g | Chocolate Gelato

  • $12.95
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Crunchy Crumble Freeze Dried Ice Cream

DIRECTIONS: Eat it straight from the packet! NO rehydration is needed.

Van Diemens Land Creamery combines fair-trade cocoa powder made from high-quality West African cocoa beans with Tasmanian milk to create this decadent chocolate dessert.

Imagine exploring Tasmania’s ancient temperate rainforests and button grass plains, carrying your pack with all the essentials. When you stop for a snack or crave a post -dinner treat, you can now indulge in Tasmanian-made freeze dried ice cream, crafted with ingredients likely found not far from where you sit.

Two Tasmanian Brands as One
We are Campers Pantry and Van Diemens Land Creamery, two Tasmanian brands collaborating to combine two passions: ice cream and the great outdoors.